Sunday, July 28, 2013


"Watchmen" is my favorite "superhero" movie, even though their not "superheros", their vigilantes. But I have always wanted a "superhero" movie to be rated "R", and who better else to make the movie, the Zack Snyder (director). Zack Snyder directed this movie very well, like when ever there is a gunshot of some type, Zack Snyder puts it in slow motion. Every single slow motion scene is so amazing and awesome. "Watchmen" from start to finish is so smart and what's even better that no one can say that it isn't like comics because it is exactly like the comic books. The acting was surprisingly impressive because very rarely does a "superhero" movie have good acting, but "Watchmen" does. I also loved how in the directors cut, in the movie they tell the past of each vigilante and it's cool to watch. And just the whole story line is cool, like I love how every little sub plot connects with the big plot, like everything connects. This movie is insanely smart and fun to watch.

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