Sunday, July 28, 2013

Natural Born Killers

"Natural Born Killers" is one of those movies that everyone says that they think is one of the greatest films. Truthfully, I would not even come close to ever saying that statement. Now don't get me wrong, "Natural Born Killers" isn't a terrible movie by any means, but it is definitely not one of the greatest. When you watch this film, it is kind of difficult to follow. Oliver Stone (the director) tried to hard to be different and it was just annoying to watch. I didn't like the whole thing where you see the future in black and white then it changes back to present time in color. That whole little sequence got kind of old once Oliver Stone did it multiple times. Also I respect Oliver Stone on trying to be different, but his choice of camera angles were not smart. Oliver Stone tried to make the conversations more intense when he didn't have to, like when the movie opens up, and Woody Harrelson (Mickey Knox) and Juliette Lewis (Mallory Knox) are in the restaurant, Oliver Stone slightly turned the camera when they talked and it was just wasn't needed. But I did like acting by Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis, they both did a really good job, but I believe Oliver Stone just made some bad choices in the film.

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